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"I met a lot of good friends.  My daughter was happy! That's what mattered most." 


Tara & Todd

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From Chaos to Stability

Family Promise helped us to get our children back from the state and have a safe space to keep our children. We learned how to take responsibility for our lives and finances, and how to pay rent on time. While in Family Promise we took some financial classes and met with a financial advisor who helped us decide whether or not to file bankruptcy and how to approach our creditors.    


Before we were in Family Promise, life was chaotic and we didn’t know where we were going to stay from night to night. We even lost our kids for a while. Since getting out of the program we have maintained housing in a 4-bedroom house with our three kids, and we pay our bills on time. Life is less chaotic, and we are able to enjoy a normal everyday life


We have given back to Family Promise by spending overnights and making dinner for the families. We have donated time with families and tried to be present in their lives. Todd is now employed as the driver for Family Promise and works for Missoula Works, which in turn helps fund Family Promise. I work for the Poverello Center and volunteer with the Housing Advocate Network to help others who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity, find and maintain housing.


Family Promise benefits families by housing them and keeping them under one roof until they can find permanent housing. Most families that enter into the program have barriers that prevent them from finding housing. Some common barriers include lack of income or not enough income, addictions, criminal records, little or no positive rental history, and prior evictions The Family Promise staff also helps families who are at risk of losing  their housing by sharing information about what resources are available in the community to meet their needs. Family Promise benefits the community by supporting some of our most vulnerable population. They reduce the costs to the state because the children can stay with their parents instead of being in foster care, as well as reducing costs to the court.These families have their basic needs met by Family Promise, so they can then focus on what needs to be done to secure stable housing. Family Promise made a difference in our lives, and continues to for so many others.


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